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Discussing Division Strategies

Counting On With Groups?

Although students can memorize some number patterns, this does not necessarily mean they have a grasp of counting on from all numbers. Consider what you would do next to support students with this particular need?

Counting on: Pre-K

Removing objects while counting can support accuracy.

CGI Math: Counting One to One

CGI Math: Fraction Number Line (Concepts and Procedures)

CGI Math: Kindergartner Compares


CGI Math: Writing Division Equations (Concepts and Procedures)

CGI Math: Writing Multiplication Equations (Concepts and Procedures)

3 Year Old Counts

Students can often say their numbers aloud, however counting objects and assigning a number to each object requires a little more practice. Let’s watch Trey over the next few months to see how his counting skills and number sense develop.

CGI Math: Kindergartner Counting Collections

Given regular opportunities to count objects, young children can develop a wide variety of ways for counting objects, confidently.

CGI Math: Kindergartener Counts By 1’s, 2’s, and 10’s

Given opportunities to count objects, students move from counting individual objects to counting groups. This skill develops not with time but with experience.

CGI Math: First Grader Counting Collections (Groups)

Given opportunities to count objects, students move from counting individual objects to counting groups. This skill develops not with age but with experience.

CGI Math: Counting Collections  Groups of Ten

Given opportunities to count objects, students move from counting individual objects to counting groups. This skill develops not with time but with experience.

CGI Math: Fifth Grade English Learner Revises

When we ask students to explain their work, they often engage in error analysis. Students are able to find and revise their own errors, they take responsibility for their own learning.

CGI Math: Third Grade English Learner Explains

Observe this third grade student as she uses tools to make sense of a problem, explain her thinking, and make connections to more formal mathematics (equations).

Equity and Diversity: Setting up Expectations for Student Behavior

Observe this teacher as she employs several instructional strategies to engage students: 1) turn and talk to check for understanding, 2) the use of strategic partnerships to increase accountability and the building of community, 3) quiet and positive reinforcement to redirect students positive and non-positive behavior. How might you use these moves to support your learners? How might you improve upon this lesson?

CGI Math: Mathematicians Revise

Students and people in general are afraid to make mistakes. Unfortunately, this is a major hurdle when it comes to learning. By highlighting mistakes as an opportunity to learn and/or revise, we can make mathematics approachable and accessible to all.

Equity and Diversity: Creating A Safe Place for Learning

Trying out new things in front of others can make the bravest of us nervous. In this video, listen to the words the teacher uses to encourage, support, and prompt the students to engage in the learning activity. How might you use these moves? How might you improve upon this lesson?

CGI Math: Counting to 30

CGI Math: Counting Collections (One to One)