Cooperative grouping and the containment of tools in kindergarten.
Kindergarten Balance Scales 1
Using a balance scale to solve balance equations.
Student Strategies
Student Created Strategies
Student Problem Solving Work - Second Grade
Student Problem Solving Work - Second Grade
Student Problem Solving Strategies- Second Grade
Pre-kindergarteners add multiple digits
3rd Graders Grouping Tens
Decompose arrays for multiplication
Student Created Strategies
Choral Counting with Fractions
Multiplying Fractions 5th
Multiple Group Fractions 5th
How Many 4ths 3rd
Adding Fractions 3rd Grade
Use student work as a tool for small group instruction.
Adding Fractions
Adding andSubtracting Fractions 3rd
Fraction Models and Equations
Equal Share with Number Choices
By changing the numbers in an equal share (quotative division) you can guide students from understanding whole number division to the connection between division and fractions.