Teacher Testimony
Shayla Brown is a first grade teacher in Long Beach Unified School District. She discusses her path to CGI math and tips for implementation in your classroom.
Teacher Testimony
Elham Kazemi, coauthor of Intentional Talk, talks about the importance of collaboration when implementing CGI math.
Veronica, Hawaiian Ave 1 from Danielle Moore on Vimeo.
Teacher Testimony
Veronica Diaz is a 4th grade teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District. She discusses the effects of implementing CGI math in her classroom.
Teacher Testimony
Linda Levi, coauthor of Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, talks about listening to children’s thinking in order to guide your instruction.
from Danielle Moore on Vimeo.
Teacher Testimony
Jennie Beltramini, a 6th grade teacher from Washington State, discusses her students’ success with problem solving, independent of teacher taught procedures.