Of course CGI Math includes direct instruction. The difference between CGI’s direct instruction and direct instruction done the traditional way is that the students are providing the direct instruction. Throughout…
How can we get kids to move away from misconceptions and miscalculations in a timely manner, if they only get to practice once a week? Go beyond right and wrong answers and notice…
When young students are initially introduced to subtraction, it’s taught to them as “take away”. Unfortunately, too many students never learn to see it any other way. In the early…
How many trips to the gym does it take before you see a difference? One or two lessons on a subject may not be enough to get the results you…
Research says that counting is the number one way to develop number sense. Counting collections is a informative activity that gets students counting and gives us a window into their needs and strengths,…
When it comes to unpacking problems, there is one thing that is most important. The thing that matters most when unpacking word problems is that your students understand the process and…
I spent the last week in a kindergarten classroom, and it reminded me of how important it is to set your students up to be independent (unless, of course, you like managing…
Decomposing numbers is the pathway to flexibility and fluency in all operations. Knowing how a number is made gives you the knowledge you need to add, subtract, multiply and divide with…
Over the last few months, I have been in and out of classrooms, co-teaching and doing demonstration lessons, and I have noticed that they all one thing in common, interruptions. These…
Just a few weeks back, I was working in a second grade classroom, and a student “Marco” was really struggling with a grouping or repeated addition type problem. “ The…