Research says that counting is the number one way to develop number sense. Counting collections is a informative activity that gets students counting and gives us a window into their needs and strengths,…
Research says that counting is the number one way to develop number sense. Counting collections is a informative activity that gets students counting and gives us a window into their needs and strengths,…
When it comes to unpacking problems, there is one thing that is most important. The thing that matters most when unpacking word problems is that your students understand the process and…
Over the last few months, I have been in and out of classrooms, co-teaching and doing demonstration lessons, and I have noticed that they all one thing in common, interruptions. These…
What ever happened to independent practice? In an effort to increase comprehension, collaboration, and conversation independence may not be getting the attention it needs I am noticing a trend. When…
There is a debate amongst teachers using Cognitively Guided Instruction in Math (CGI Math) as to whether or not to keep posing the same problem type for a week or two,…
As you facilitate learning in your classroom your apt to notice trends in students’ thinking, partial conceptions, representations, and areas in need of growth. You can use students’ independent practice as…
“What Would It Look Like If…?” is one of the most powerful tools I use when working with students. Why… because when posing CGI math problems, students tend to draw beautiful models…
As you facilitate learning in your classroom your apt to notice trends in students’ thinking, partial conceptions, representations, and areas in need of growth. You can use students’ independent practice as…
While walking through classrooms during the beginning of the year, I see many students following step-by-step procedures to find answers. For example, some of the problems required students to make…
As you begin to ask more questions and listen to your students’ responses, certain trends begin to emerge; what does this particular student need, on this particular day? The T.U.B.B….